Shirley MacLaine: Pictures Money

Posted by admin on Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Shirley MacLaine Money Quote saying she let the money people work out whether a film produced income while paying attention to her part in it. Shirley MacLaine said:
I've never cared whether a picture makes money or not. Now I care, because it's all about whether they'll finance the next one. And we've got to start making better pictures in Hollywood Quote

“I’ve never cared whether a picture makes money or not. Now I care, because it’s all about whether they’ll finance the next one. And we’ve got to start making better pictures in Hollywood” — Shirley MacLaine


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Shirley MacLaine is saying that earlier in her career, she did not focus on whether a movie made a profit or not. However, now she cares about box office performance because studios use that as a major factor in deciding whether to finance (provide funding for) an actor or director’s next proposed film project.

By “better pictures”, she means higher quality films. So her point is that in Hollywood, commercial success is important nowadays in order to get funding approval for future movies, and this puts pressure on creators to prioritize profitability over just artistic merit when making creative decisions about their films.”

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