Shay Olivarria: Closer to Being Wealthy

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 16, 2017

Shay Olivarria Money Quote saying you can move closer or move away from it, but each decision moves you toward or further away from wealth. Shay Olivarria said:
Every decision takes you one step closer to being wealthy or one step further away Quote

“Every decision you make takes you one step closer to being wealthy … or one step further away” — Shay Olivarria


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In this quote, Shay Olivarria is emphasizing how consequential financial decisions can be in determining one’s ultimate wealth or lack thereof. By stating that every choice moves one “closer to being wealthy” or “further away”, Olivarria implies that a series of good or bad monetary choices compound over time to shape long-term prosperity or hardship.

The interpretation is that Olivarria views wealth as the product of many individual decisions regarding work, spending, saving, investing and risk-taking, with each one nudging the outcome in either a positive or negative direction.

His message conveys that wealth is not attained through some single defining act, but rather is the result of consistently making prudent choices or avoiding imprudent ones across many financial determinations over an extended period. According to Olivarria, wealth emerges from a lifetime of decisions aggregating advantage or disadvantage step-by-step.

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