Shakespeare: Large Cost Lease

Posted by admin on Friday, June 19, 2020

Shakespeare Money Quote saying the cost of a home is tough to bear when the home is falling into disrepair. Shakespeare said:
Why so large a cost, having so short a lease, does thou upon your fading mansion spend? Quote

“Why so large a cost, having so short a lease, does thou upon your fading mansion spend?” — Shakespeare


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In this quote, Shakespeare seems to be questioning the logic of spending exorbitantly on temporary living spaces or material possessions that will not last. By asking “Why so large a cost, having so short a lease, does thou upon your fading mansion spend?”, Shakespeare implies that lavishing money on homes, furnishings or other items that will deteriorate or be replaced serves little purpose given their impermanence.

The quote conveys Shakespeare’s perspective that extravagant spending on possessions one will outgrow or that will degrade lacks foresight, as the items are fleeting despite their expense.

Overall, Shakespeare appears to be advocating moderation in expenditures that yield only brief enjoyment given time’s effects on what is purchased, as value derives more from enduring experiences than transient luxuries.

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