S.E. Cupp: Press Enemy of One Person

Posted by admin on Friday, August 17, 2018

S.E. Cupp Money Quote saying Donald Trump has repeated endlessly in speeches and tweets that the Press is the enemy of the people, but journalists are standing up to the corrosive and dangerous rhetoric. S.E. Cupp said:
The press is not the enemy of the people. The press is the enemy of the powerful, unaccountable and corrupt. The unjust, unethical, and dishonest Quote

“The press is not the enemy of the people. The press is the enemy of the powerful, unaccountable and corrupt. The unjust, unethical, and dishonest.” — S.E. Cupp


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In this quote, political commentator S.E. Cupp is defending the role of the press in a democratic society. She argues that rather than being “the enemy of the people”, the press is actually “the enemy of the powerful, unaccountable and corrupt” as well as “the unjust, unethical, and dishonest” – implying the important function of the press is to hold those in positions of power and influence accountable by investigating and reporting on any wrongdoings or lapses in ethics.

The overall interpretation is that Cupp believes a free and adversarial press plays a crucial role in keeping leaders and public figures honest by scrutinizing their actions and exposing any misdeeds or abuses of power. She sees this as a valuable service rather than an attack, as it helps maintain checks and balances within government and inform citizens according to Cupp’s perspective.


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