S. Alice Callahan: World Rulers Power

Posted by admin on Thursday, June 29, 2017

S. Alice Callahan Money Quote saying nobody can claim that those who rule are immune to the power of money. S. Alice Callahan said:
Who can declare that money is not a power which rulers of the world cannot withstand? Quote

“Who can declare that money is not a power which rulers of the world cannot withstand?” — S. Alice Callahan


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In this quote, S. Alice Callahan is emphasizing the immense influence that money yields over even the most powerful leaders and governments. By posing the rhetorical question of who could deny that “money is not a power which rulers of the world cannot withstand”, Callahan implies that wealth possesses a gravitational pull that not even heads of state or nations are immune to.

The interpretation is that Callahan views money as a dominant force that sways decisions and policies at the highest levels of authority. Her perspective conveys that financial power can override or alter the stances of those in the highest echelons of political control.

The overall message is that Callahan presents money as an overriding force that permeates and shapes the behavior of rulers worldwide due to its ability to corrupt, incentivize or pressure even those at the pinnacles of power.

Birthday: January 1, 1868 – Death: January 7, 1894

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