Roxanne Henke: Supermom Price

Posted by admin on Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Meaning of Roxanne Henke Money Quote: saying the pay rate for being a great mom may not be enough if not for the rewards. Roxanne Henke said:

Supermom wasn't a bad job description. The pay was lousy if you were talking about real money. But the payoff was priceless in so many other ways Quote

“Supermom wasn’t a bad job description. The pay was lousy if you were talking about real money. But the payoff was priceless in so many other ways” — Roxanne Henke


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In this quote, Roxanne Henke is reflecting on what it’s like to be a “Supermom” or a mother who takes on a huge amount of responsibilities for her family. While the “pay” in terms of actual money earned is “lousy”, she says the non-financial “payoff” of being a devoted mother is “priceless” through the love, joy and fulfillment it provides.

Henke acknowledges that the important work of parenting doesn’t result in high monetary compensation, but conveys that the emotional rewards of raising children well are profoundly valuable in many other ways that transcend dollars. Her message emphasizes that for many mothers, the greatest rewards of motherhood can’t be quantified financially.

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