Robert Byrd: Money Supreme Reign

Posted by admin on Monday, January 20, 2020

Robert C. Byrd Money Quote saying he believes that politics is dominated by money rather than principled thoughts and actions. Robert C. Byrd said:
It is money, money, money! Not ideas, not principles, but money that reigns supreme in American politics Quote

“It is money, money, money! Not ideas, not principles, but money that reigns supreme in American politics” — Robert C. Byrd


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In this quote, Robert C. Byrd seems to be criticizing the outsized role of money in American politics. By stating that it is “money, money, money!” rather than “ideas” or “principles” that “reigns supreme” in U.S. politics, Byrd implies financial considerations have become dominant over other policy-shaping factors like ideological stances or moral positions.

The quote conveys Byrd’s perspective that campaign financing and lobbying has allowed moneyed interests to wield disproportionate influence over the political process, at the expense of policymaking grounded more in thoughtful ideas or ethical stances.

Overall, Byrd appears to be arguing that the policy priorities and decisions that result from the political system are shaped more by fundraising and monetary contributions than other substantive inputs, representing a critique of perceived corruption or prioritization of wealth over other values like principles in American governance according to Byrd’s viewpoint.

Birthday: November 20, 1917 – June 28, 2010

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