Rick Nolan: 30 Hours Dialing for Dollars

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Rep. Rick Nolan (D) Money Quote saying calling campaign donors asking for donations to election campaign funds is the first duty of members of congress. Rick Nolan said:
Republican and Democratic call centers across the street from the Congress, dialing for dollars Quote

“Both parties have told newly elected members of the Congress that they should spend 30 hours a week in the Republican and Democratic call centers across the street from the Congress, dialing for dollars” — Rick Nolan


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This quote by Rick Nolan seems to be criticizing the influence of money in politics and the focus on fundraising. “Dialing for dollars” refers to the practice of politicians spending significant time on the phone fundraising from donors rather than doing their actual jobs of governing.

Nolan appears to be saying that both Republican and Democratic parties pressure newly elected members of Congress to spend most of their time fundraising by phone from these “call centers” near Congress, as opposed to focusing on legislative work.

The quote suggests Nolan views this emphasis on fundraising as taking away from representatives’ important duties.

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