Richard J. Codey: State Budget Gap

Posted by admin on Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Richard J. Codey Money Quote saying government efforts to pay for public works can be compared to a puppy playing. Richard J. Codey said:
Every year the State will be the dog that chases its own tail... engaging in a futile attempt to close a perpetual budget gap Quote

“Every year the State will be the dog that chases its own tail… engaging in a futile attempt to close a perpetual budget gap” — Richard J. Codey


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Richard J. Codey seems to be criticizing the ineffectiveness of the state’s annual budgeting process. He suggests the state will perpetually be in a situation like a dog chasing its own tail, where it is engaged in a repetitive but ultimately futile effort.

By this, Codey appears to mean that no matter how the state constructs its budget each year, it will always face a gap between expenses and revenues, and no budget will truly close this “perpetual gap.”

His quote implies the budget shortfall problem will continue indefinitely through this annual “chase” to balance the books, but the gap between costs and income will never fully and permanently be bridged through the existing budgetary approach.

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