R. N. Prasher: Money Enough Futility
on Monday, November 20, 2017R. N. Prasher Money Quote saying The only way we will accept that money is futile is when we find out by having enough. R. N. Prasher said:
“Like everything else, we know the futility of money only when we have more than enough of it” — R. N. Prasher
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In this quote, R. N. Prasher is suggesting that the limitations and emptiness of money are only realized once a person has accumulated more wealth than what is truly needed.
By stating the “futility of money” becomes known “when we have more than enough of it”, Prasher implies that having ample funds to cover needs and reasonable wants is the point at which the inability of money alone to provide fulfillment or happiness becomes clear. The interpretation is that Prasher views money as losing its allure and purpose beyond a certain threshold, once basic necessities and comforts are comfortably provided for.
His message conveys that true abundance is an inner state of contentment rather than the pursuit of ever-greater accumulation of funds for their own sake. Prasher presents having “more than enough” money as revealing its philosophical emptiness compared to non-monetary sources of meaning.