Jarod Kintz: Wealth in Relationships

Posted by admin on Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Jarod Kintz Money Quote saying the more people you know with money, the more ransom you could collect on the lot of them to amass true wealth. Jarod Kintz said:
How many people do I know, and how much ransom money could I get for each one? Quote

“I think the key indicator for wealth is not good grades, work ethic, or IQ. I believe it’s relationships. Ask yourself two questions: How many people do I know, and how much ransom money could I get for each one?” — Jarod Kintz


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In this quote, Jarod Kintz appears to be continuing his commentary on relationships and wealth, but takes a distinctly humorous turn.

While initially agreeing that relationships are a better indicator of wealth accumulation than grades/work ethic/IQ, he then jokingly suggests assessing one’s relationships in terms of “ransom moneyvalue rather than traditional notions of social/business capital.

This seems to be tongue-in-cheek way of highlighting the transactional nature that relationships can take on when viewed through a purely financial lens.

Overall, the quote takes a lighthearted approach to make an ironic point about how wealth is often intertwined with social networks and influencing others.

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