Sam Zell: Real Estate or Stocks?

Posted by admin on Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sam Zell Quote on Investing in which he states the obvious for those with money – there’s plenty of it if you have some already. Choosing where to invest is not difficult if you can do any or all of the choices.
The question is not do you take money out of stocks and put it into real estate, or the reverse. There's so much money out there looking for a home Quote

“The question is not do you take money out of stocks and put it into real estate, or the reverse. There’s so much money out there looking for a home” — Sam Zell


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In this quote, real estate mogul Sam Zell is commenting on the large amount of available capital in the financial system seeking investment opportunities. By saying “There’s so much money out there looking for a home”, Zell means there are massive pools of funds that need to be allocated into different asset classes.

His point is that the choice shouldn’t be viewed as an “either/or” between stocks and real estate, since the amounts of money searching for assets to invest in far exceed what either sector could fully accommodate on its own. Zell implies that with so much wealth needing a place to go, opportunities exist both for real estate and equities.

Overall, the quote suggests that with abundant money supply in the financial world, strong investment prospects are available across multiple sectors of the economy.

Birthday February 1, 1941 – Present

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