Anita Roddick: Stock Valuation
on Sunday, April 15, 2012Anita Roddick Money Quotation saying the stock market cares more about valuation and revenue than doing good and creating jobs while building value. Anita Roddick said:
“The minute we went public on the stock market, which is how our wealth was created, it was no longer how many people you employed, it was how much you were worth and how much your company was worth” — Anita Roddick
The quote “It is only recently that economic values have superceded every other human value” by Anita Roddick refers to the increasing prioritization of financial and market considerations over other important social, ethical and community-oriented values in modern times.
Roddick is suggesting that in the past, non-economic values like compassion, social justice, environmental stewardship and human well-being were more influential in decision making. However, more recently there has been a shift where the primary lens for assessing policy, business and social issues is an economic cost-benefit analysis rather than a holistic perspective accounting for non-monetary impacts.
According to Roddick’s view, this over-emphasis on economic metrics like GDP, profits and efficiency has come to “supercede” or override other crucial values that define our humanity but are harder to quantify. The quote conveys concern that a short-term focus on wealth accumulation alone is insufficient for long-term societal well-being and progress.
Birthday: October 23, 1942 – Death: September 10, 2007