Robert Kiyosaki: Reality of Money

Posted by admin on Saturday, July 3, 2010

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki Money Quotation on reality of money and how quickly you can grow rich if you understand the concept that money is not real.
If you can grasp the idea that money is not real, you will grow rich faster Quote

“If you can grasp the idea that money is not real, you will grow rich faster” — Robert T. Kiyosaki


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In this quote, Robert T. Kiyosaki is suggesting that understanding the concept that money is not truly “real” can help a person become wealthier at a faster pace. By saying money is “not real”, Kiyosaki means that money is a human construct with no intrinsic value of its own – it only represents the value societies have agreed to ascribe to it.

His point is that once people see money as a tool rather than an end in itself, they will be liberated to think more creatively about generating income and assets. With this mindset shift, individuals may feel less attached to money and more willing to take entrepreneurial risks that could substantially grow their wealth. Kiyosaki implies that losing the illusion of money’s concreteness paves the way for non-traditional paths to riches.

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