Steve Jobs: Value of Time Exceeding Money
on Saturday, September 1, 2012Steve Jobs Money Quote valuing time over money and emphasizing that the importance of intangibles exceed the worth of all material wealth. Steve Jobs said:
“My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time” — Steve Jobs
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This quote from Steve Jobs emphasizes that while material possessions and money are not unimportant, the most valuable commodity we have is time. Jobs is suggesting that the things he finds most fulfilling and enjoyable in life don’t require monetary cost – things like meaningful relationships, personal growth, acts of service, creativity, health and family are examples of what he may be referring to.
The best interpretation is that Jobs viewed time as humanity’s most precious resource because once our time on earth is spent, it can never be regained. Therefore, we should make the most of our limited time by focusing on activities and relationships that provide lasting value, joy and meaning rather than superficial or fleeting pleasures that money can buy.
Birthday February 24, 1955 – Death: October 5, 2011