- The page contains money quotes about money and purses from various historical figures like Benjamin Franklin, William Shakespeare, and Robert Louis Stevenson
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While most of the quotes on this page do not explicitly state the gender of the speaker, purses have traditionally been an accessory more commonly associated with and used by women. Some of the quotes may be referring to purses in that historical context. For example, the quotes about what can be revealed by examining someone’s “purse” could be making broader observations about a person’s character or financial situation based on the contents of their purse or wallet. However, the meanings and metaphors in the quotes tend to extend beyond the literal object being referenced.
“A light purse is a heavy curse” — Benjamin Franklin
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“He that has a penny in his purse, is worth a penny: Have and you shall be esteemed” — Petronius
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“As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled” — Victor Hugo
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“In three things is a man revealed: in his wine goblet, in his purse, and in his wrath” — Babylonian Talmud
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“I ran three miles today. Finally I said, ‘Lady take your purse'” — Emo Philips
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“Who steals my purse steals trash … but he that filches from me my good name robs me of that which … makes me poor indeed” —William Shakespeare
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“Preferring to store her money in the stomachs of the needy rather than hide it in a purse” — St. Jerome
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“Traveling takes the ink out of one’s pen as well as the cash out of one’s purse” — Herman Melville
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“Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy: For the apparel oft proclaims the man” — William Shakespeare
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“We’ve every facility here for dealing with people who are rich. We can deal with a blocked purse, we can drain private accounts and in the worst cases, we can perform a total cashectomy – which is total removal of all monies from the patient” — Monty Python
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“One thing that I think Republicans and Democrats can agree on, is that justice is not equal when you have a big purse” — Jack Kingston
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“I can get no remedy against this consumption of the purse: borrowing only lingers and lingers it out, but the disease is incurable” — William Shakespeare
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“Poor and content is rich, and rich enough” — William Shakespeare
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“The purse may be full and the heart empty” — Robert Louis Stevenson
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