Proverbs: Lazy Poor, Diligent Wealth

Posted by admin on Sunday, October 16, 2016

Proverbs 10:2-4 bible Money Quote saying goodness, honesty and earnestness bring wealth, while laziness and greed make men poor. Proverbs 10:2-4 said:
Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth Quote

“Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth” — Proverbs 10:4


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This verse from Proverbs is conveying that laziness and idle hands will lead to poverty, while diligent work and hands that are busy bringing wealth. It suggests that poverty results from a lack of effort, industry and productivity, whereas wealth is gained as a reward for hard work, perseverance and utilizing one’s hands in labor.

The verse encourages an industrious and diligent work ethic as opposed to slothfulness, emphasizing that wealth comes from active effort while idleness leads to scarcity. It promotes the idea that poverty can be avoided and prosperity achieved through working hands rather than lazy inactivity.

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