Proverbs 15:16 – Want Wealth With Turmoil?
on Friday, January 15, 2016Proverbs 15:16 Money bible Quote saying that having little or nothing with respect for god is better than having great wealth bringing you troubles amplified by money & possessions. Proverbs 15:16 said:
“Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil” — Proverbs 15:16
This verse from Proverbs is suggesting that it is better to have a modest amount (“a little”) while maintaining reverence and obedience to God (“with the fear of the Lord”), than to possess riches (“great wealth”) that comes accompanied by trouble, distress, anxiety or commotion (“with turmoil”).
The verse conveys that peace of mind and a right relationship with God are more valuable than an abundance of riches if it means enduring inner unrest, conflict or distress.
It promotes being content with enough while prioritizing one’s spiritual well-being over accumulating wealth at the cost of inner turmoil or disquietude of the soul.