Pope Francis: Humanity Served by Wealth
on Tuesday, September 29, 2015Pope Francis Money Quotation saying the rich are asked to serve people with their wealth and not enslave them. Pope Francis said:
“I ask you to ensure that humanity is served by wealth and not ruled by it” — Pope Francis
In this quote, Pope Francis is cautioning against wealth and financial interests holding dominion over humanity. His view seems to be that while wealth can serve and benefit humankind when properly managed, it should not dictate or control people’s lives, societies and governments.
Francis appears to be arguing that wealth is best utilized as a tool to uplift humanity through job and economic opportunities, charity, innovation and so on, rather than wealth holders wielding disproportionate power over political and social systems for their own gain.
The quote conveys the Pope’s belief that humanity’s interests should take precedence over wealth accumulation alone and that wealth is most ethical and useful when it enhances people’s well-being rather than “rules” over them for private benefit.