Peg Bracken: Increase Tax Cut

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 19, 2020

Peg Bracken Money Quote saying marketing language to pitch tax reform doesn’t always convince the public. Peg Bracken said:
Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut save you thirty cents? Quote

“Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut save you thirty cents?” — Peg Bracken


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In this quote, Peg Bracken seems to be satirically commenting on how people tend to perceive tax changes differently based on personal financial impact. By questioning why a “slight tax increase” feels like it costs much more money than a “substantial tax cut” saves, Bracken implies that losses tend to feel more acutely felt than equivalent gains.

The quote conveys Bracken’s perspective that people often overreact to tax hikes while undervaluing tax relief, even when the dollar amounts should balance out. Overall, she appears to be wryly observing human psychology’s tendency to experience equivalent monetary changes unevenly depending on whether it’s perceived as a personal loss or windfall, even when objectively similar amounts.

Birthday: February 25, 1918 – Death: October 20, 2007

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