Pauline Hanson: Corruption Spend

Posted by admin on Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Pauline Hanson Money Quote saying Australian foreign aid budget could be spent by corrupt politicians. Pauline Hanson said:
In this financial year we will be spending at least $1.5 billion on foreign aid and we cannot be sure that this money will be properly spent Quote

“In this financial year we will be spending at least $1.5 billion on foreign aid and we cannot be sure that this money will be properly spent, as corruption and mismanagement in many of the recipient countries are legend” — Pauline Hanson


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Pauline Hanson seems to be expressing skepticism about how effectively foreign aid money from Australia is being spent or managed in some recipient countries.

She suggests that corruption and mismanagement are major problems in at least some of these nations receiving aid.

Therefore, the $1.5 billion being allocated for foreign aid this year by Australia may not all be put to its intended, proper use due to issues of corruption or inefficient practices in the governments or organizations distributing the funds within the recipient countries.

Her quote implies she believes more oversight or accountability is needed to ensure the money achieves its goals of helping people, rather than being lost or misused due to corruption in parts of the aid distribution system.

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