Paula Deen on Harsh Glare of Money Talk

Posted by admin on Sunday, August 31, 2014

Paula Deen Money Quotation saying that discussing cash is seen as classless, harsh and offensive. Paula Deen said:
Paula Deen Talking about money is garish. It's tacky quote

“Talking about money is garish. It’s tacky” — Paula Deen


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In this quote, celebrity chef Paula Deen seems to be expressing her view that openly discussing money matters is inappropriate or in poor taste. She describes talking about financial topics as “garish”, meaning overly showy or flashy in a distasteful way, and “tacky”, implying it lacks refinement.

Deen appears to believe money is a private issue that should not be flaunted or drawn attention to in polite company. The quote conveys Deen’s sentiment that bringing up monetary subjects, wealth, salaries or personal finances is an unseemly breach of etiquette. She suggests such conversations are better left avoided to maintain decorum and avoid making others uncomfortable.

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