P. T. Barnum: Worth Their Money
on Tuesday, October 26, 2021P. T. Barnum Money Quote saying I’m not a bad guy and give people double the value for their money. P. T. Barnum said:
“As a general thing, I have not ‘duped the world’ nor attempted to do so… I have generally given people the worth of their money twice told” — P. T. Barnum
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In this quote, P.T. Barnum seems to be defending himself against accusations that he deceived or took advantage of customers through trickery or false advertising. The best interpretation is:
- Barnum denies that his general approach was to deliberately “dupe” or mislead the public for profit through cons and trickery.
- He argues that rather than duping people, he aimed to provide excellent value and entertainment well worth the cost of admission through his various shows and exhibitions.
- Barnum claims he “generally” tried to give audiences “the worth of their money twice told” – implying he tried to significantly over-deliver on quality and satisfaction relative to the ticket prices.
Overall, the quote conveys Barnum’s perspective that while he may have been controversial or sensationalist in promotion at times, his goal was not to scam customers but offer a genuinely good experience that more than justified the monetary investment in his perspective on delivering value to audiences through his showmanship and productions.
Birthday: July 5, 1810 – Death: April 7, 1891