Orrin Hatch: Blow it on Drugs

Posted by admin on Saturday, April 23, 2022

Orrin Hatch Money Quote saying don’t give free money to ungrateful slouches who just want to get high rather than feed their kids. Orrin Hatch said:
giving cash to people who going to blow it on drugs and not take care of their own children Quote

“You know, we should not be giving cash to people who basically are just going to blow it on drugs and not take care of their own children” — Orrin Hatch


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In this quote, Orrin Hatch seems to be expressing skepticism about unconditional cash welfare programs. The best interpretation is that he believes direct money transfers from the government to individuals will in some cases be used irresponsibly, such as to purchase drugs, rather than on necessities for one’s family.

Specifically, Hatch suggests that some welfare recipients may “just” or simply spend the money carelessly rather than using it to properly “take care of their own children.” He implies cash benefits do not ensure the money goes toward meeting basic needs of dependents.

Overall, the quote indicates Hatch favored a more conditional approach to public assistance, where the money or resources are targeted and potentially monitored to confirm they are spent meeting essential needs like food, shelter, healthcare and childcare. He appeared to believe unconditional cash enables problems like substance abuse among some welfare populations.

Birthday: March 22, 1934 – Death: April 23, 2022

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