Naomi Novik: Justice Is Expensive

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Meaning of Naomi Novik Money Quote: saying Justice is costly and rare, and can be afforded only by those with money and power. Naomi Novik said:

Justice is expensive.  Enough money and influence to afford it Quote

“Justice is expensive. That is why there is so little of it, and it is reserved for those few with enough money and influence to afford it” — Naomi Novik


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In this quote, Naomi Novik is making a critique of the justice system. She suggests that true justice is “expensive” both literally and figuratively. Literally, legal representation and navigating the courts costs a great deal of money that many cannot afford. Figuratively, pursuing justice also requires influence and resources to overcome obstacles.

Novik argues this is why there is so little justice overall in society – it is largely reserved only for those who are wealthy enough to pay for quality legal support and advocacy. The quote implies Novik believes the system favors the rich and powerful over ordinary citizens, and a lack of money or influence can often impede someone from receiving fair treatment under the law.

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