Nancy Pelosi: Swamp of Secret Money

Posted by admin on Sunday, July 31, 2016

Nancy Pelosi Money in politics Quote saying during the Democratic Convention that voting must be made easier and buying elections made more difficult. Nancy Pelosi said:
Secure our democracy by removing barriers to voting and draining the poisonous swamp of secret money in our politics. We Democrats believe the future of America should be decided by the voices of the voters, not the pocketbooks of the powerful Quote

“Secure our democracy by removing barriers to voting and draining the poisonous swamp of secret money in our politics. We Democrats believe the future of America should be decided by the voices of the voters, not the pocketbooks of the powerful” — Nancy Pelosi


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In this quote, Nancy Pelosi seems to be advocating for reforms aimed at strengthening democratic processes and reducing the influence of large financial backers. Some key points:

  • She calls for “removing barriers to voting” like restrictive ID laws or limited polling access, to “secure our democracy” by enabling fuller citizen participation.
  • Pelosi also wants to “drain the poisonous swamp of secret money” through greater political funding transparency.
  • She argues decisions should be guided by “the voices of the voters” rather than “the pocketbooks of the powerful” like wealthy donors or corporations.

Overall, the quote conveys Pelosi’s view that democratic integrity and accountability require campaign finance reforms as well as measures expanding access to voting rights. She aims to curb the sway of large funders and empower ordinary citizens’ ability to directly shape outcomes through their ballots rather than indirectly through others’ political contributions.

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