Michael Linden: Cartoonishly Cruel Budget
on Sunday, June 4, 2017Michael Linden Money Quote saying the proposed Trump budget is skewed to favor the rich and hurts the poor according to economists. Michael Linden said:
“This budget is so skewed toward the super-rich that many of its proposals are almost cartoonishly cruel” — Michael Linden
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In this quote, Michael Linden is sharply criticizing aspects of the federal budget proposal as disproportionately benefiting the wealthy to an almost ridiculously callous degree.
By stating many proposals are “cartoonishly cruel”, Linden implies they are so lacking in empathy for average Americans as to seem almost comically villainous like a caricature. He suggests provisions that mainly aid the rich do so at the stark expense of others struggling on modest incomes.
The interpretation is that Linden views key parts of the budget as so extremely skewed toward further enriching the already affluent that they come across as almost farcically heartless and indifferent toward the hardships of lower- and middle-income citizens.
Linden’s perspective conveys that the budget’s imbalance is of such an unbalanced, excessive and insensitive nature that it borders on the absurdly unfeeling. His strong language aims to portray it as an almost ridiculously one-sided giveaway to the most privileged that disregards those lacking comparable means.