Maureen Johnson: Enough Money

Posted by admin on Saturday, October 15, 2022

Meaning of Maureen Johnson Money Quote: saying with sufficient power and money you can bend reality to your wishes. Maureen Johnson said:
When you have enough power and money, you can dictate the meanings of words Quote

“When you have enough power and money, you can dictate the meanings of words.” — Maureen Johnson


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In this quote, Maureen Johnson is commenting on how those with significant wealth and influence can shape public discourse and perceptions. She seems to be suggesting that if a person or group attains enough power and wealth, they have the ability to spin language, frame debates, and essentially define the meaning of certain words or ideas in a way that benefits their own agenda.

Johnson implies that money and power can allow one to propagandize language and control the dominant narrative in politics and media. Her quote serves as a warning about how those at the top of social hierarchies may attempt to manipulate language for their own ends if left unchecked.

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