Marie Yovanovitch: Anti-Corruption
on Friday, November 15, 2019Marie Yovanovitch Money Quote saying Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman could have seen anti-corruption policies were counter to their fortunes in Ukraine. Marie Yovanovitch said:
“[Giuliani’s associates] may well have believed that their personal financial ambitions were stymied by our anti-corruption policy in Ukraine” — Marie Yovanovitch
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Marie Yovanovitch seems to be suggesting that Rudy Giuliani’s associates in Ukraine may have felt that the anti-corruption policies she advocated as U.S. Ambassador there were hindering their ability to pursue lucrative business deals or contracts that depended on corrupt practices.
If corruption was reduced through her efforts, it would have made it harder for them to profit in questionable ways through their political connections in Ukraine. Her statement implies their motivation in working with Giuliani was at least partly financially self-interested, rather than purely about U.S. policy concerns.