Madeleine Begun Kane: Form 1040

Posted by admin on Sunday, April 14, 2019

Madeleine Begun Kane Money Quote saying one particular tax form really makes her mad, the one that is accompanied by a late check. Madeleine Begun Kane said:
There’s a tax form that makes me irate: Form 1040, a long form I hate, Due mid-April, each year, With my check. (Will it clear?) It’s no wonder I always file late Quote

“There’s a tax form that makes me irate: Form 1040, a long form I hate, Due mid-April, each year, With my check. (Will it clear?) It’s no wonder I always file late” — Madeleine Begun Kane


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Madeleine Begun Kane seems to be expressing frustration and dislike towards filing her annual U.S. tax return through this short poem. Some key points:

  • Form 1040 is the main U.S. individual income tax return that most people need to file each year.
  • She finds it overly long and complex, describing it as “a long form I hate”.
  • It is due each year by mid-April, which she notes adds to the pressure and dislike of the task.
  • She questions if the payment check she submits along with it will actually clear/be accepted.
  • All of these factors contribute to her procrastinating and “always” filing late each tax season.

In essence, through humor and rhyme, Kane is conveying the annoyance, stress and dislike many people feel about having to file their annual taxes using the dreaded IRS Form 1040 by the mid-April deadline.

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