Lorde: Ten Things Three Dollars

Posted by admin on Thursday, November 7, 2019

Lorde Money Quote saying shopping at thrift stores can feel like a bargain hunter’s paradise. Lorde said:
I love thrift shopping. You can get ten things because everything costs, like, three dollars Quote

“I love thrift shopping. You can get ten things because everything costs, like, three dollars” — Lorde


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In this quote, Lorde is expressing her enthusiasm for thrift shopping (shopping at second-hand stores). She notes that when thrift shopping, you can purchase many more items because everything costs a low amount, such as three dollars each, compared to regular retail stores.

Lorde seems to enjoy thrift shopping because it allows her to get good value and a variety of unique finds for a low overall cost. The quote conveys how thrift shopping enables Lorde to satisfy her sense of style and fashion on a tighter budget by taking advantage of pre-owned items that are deeply discounted compared to their original prices.

Overall, she is highlighting the affordability and bargain hunting experience that makes thrift shopping an enjoyable activity for her.

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