Lewis Carroll: Wealth To Be Child

Posted by admin on Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lewis Carroll Money Quote saying he’d be willing to exchange all accumulated wealth for a single day as an innocent child on a sunny summer day. Lewis Carroll said:
I'd give all the wealth that years have piled, the slow result of life's decay, To be once more a little child for one bright summer day Quote

“I’d give all the wealth that years have piled, the slow result of life’s decay, To be once more a little child for one bright summer day” — Lewis Carroll


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Lewis Carroll seems to be expressing a sense of nostalgia for the carefree days of childhood.

He suggests that he would give up all the riches and possessions accumulated over a lifetime in order to regain, even just for one day, the sense of wonder, joy and freedom from responsibility that children experience during summer vacation.

The quote conveys a longing to return to a time before the stresses and obligations of adulthood, seeing childhood summers through rose-colored glasses as the happiest and most idyllic period of life.

Overall, Carroll is romanticizing childhood and arguing that being a kid enjoying summer break was a state of being more valuable than material wealth gained in later years.

Birthday January 27, 1832 – Death: January 14, 1898


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