Leroy Hood: Healthcare Dollars

Posted by admin on Monday, January 15, 2024

Meaning of Leroy Hood Money Quote: saying The most healthcare dollars are spent on keeping those with chronic disease alive. Leroy Hood said:

More than 86 percent of total healthcare dollars are spent on chronic disease in the United States, where $1 out of every $5 spent is on healthcare Quote

“More than 86 percent of total healthcare dollars are spent on chronic disease in the United States, where $1 out of every $5 spent is on healthcare. That’s $4 trillion” — Leroy Hood


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In this quote, Leroy Hood is providing some statistics about healthcare spending in the United States. He states that more than 86% of total healthcare dollars spent in the US go towards chronic diseases.

He also notes that out of every $5 spent in the US, $1 of that is spent on healthcare. And together, those healthcare costs related to chronic diseases total $4 trillion.

So in summary, Hood is highlighting how an enormous portion of US healthcare spending – the majority of it – goes towards treating chronic diseases, demonstrating the huge financial impact and burden that chronic conditions place on the healthcare system.


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