Lawrence Lessig on Money in Politics

Posted by admin on Sunday, July 6, 2014

Lawrence Lessig Money Quotation saying most American citizens agree our political system is broken because of big money in politics. Lawrence Lessig said:
Lawrence Lessig Americans agree that our government is broken, and broken because of the money in politics quote

“In a time of polarized politics there’s one thing that more than ninety percent of Americans agree on, that our government is broken, and broken because of the money in politics” — Lawrence Lessig


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Lawrence Lessig relates to the broader theme of the quote, which is the impact of money on politics, because it highlights the widespread agreement among Americans that the political system is broken due to the influence of big money in politics.

The quote emphasizes the issue of money in politics as a source of polarization and dysfunction in the government, which is a central theme of the quote.

The Tsumoney by John Cole, The Scranton Times-Tribune

John Cole, The Scranton Times-Tribune


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