Lawrence Lessig: Congress Owes the One Percent

Posted by admin on Monday, July 7, 2014

Lawrence Lessig Money Quotation saying politicians spend too much time raising money from the one percent instead of representing voter interests. Lawrence Lessig said:
Lawrence Lessig Members of congress waste 30 to70 percent of their time raising money from the tiniest fraction of the one percent quote

“Right now Congress doesn’t answer to us, it answers to the elite few. Members of congress waste 30 to70 percent of their time raising money from the tiniest fraction of the one percent” — Lawrence Lessig


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In this quote, Lawrence Lessig is strongly criticizing the influence of money in politics. He argues that members of Congress spend much of their time fundraising from a very small group of wealthy donors, comprising a tiny fraction of the top 1% of earners.

Lessig believes this means Congress is primarily answering to and serving the interests of this “elite few” rather than ordinary citizens. The quote suggests this donor-driven campaign finance system undermines real representation, as elected officials must cater to big funders in order to get reelected rather than focusing on constituents.

Overall, Lessig is decrying the disproportionate power that a tiny slice of the richest Americans have over political decision-making due to their ability to bankroll campaigns.


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