L. Ron Hubbard: Wanna Get Rich? Religion

Posted by admin on Thursday, May 26, 2016

L. Ron Hubbard Money Quote saying writing fantasy is much the same as starting a cult of religion around the fantastical stories. L. Ron Hubbard said:
You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion Quote

“You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion” — L. Ron Hubbard


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In this quote, L. Ron Hubbard is cynically but candidly acknowledging that founding a religion is more lucrative than pursuing a career in science fiction writing. As the founder of Scientology, Hubbard seemed to recognize that starting a new religious movement offered greater financial potential than continuing to write science fiction novels.

His statement implies that making money was a key motivation for establishing Scientology. Some have interpreted this quote as Hubbard essentially admitting that profit was a major factor behind his creation of Scientology’s doctrines and organizational structure, rather than arriving at them based on spiritual revelation or philosophy alone.

Overall, Hubbard appears to be suggesting that one is more likely to “get rich” by starting their own religion rather than simply being an author.

Birthday: March 13, 1911 – Death: January 24, 1986

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