L. Frank Baum: Brains Superior to Money

Posted by admin on Thursday, March 16, 2017

L. Frank Baum Money Quote saying When one is intelligent, but not rich – one can do fine. However, money without cognitive ability has little productive value. L. Frank Baum said:
I consider brains far superior to money in every way, enable to live comfortably to the end of his days Quote

“For I consider brains far superior to money in every way. You may have noticed that if one has money without brains, he cannot use it to his advantage; but if one has brains without money, they will enable him to live comfortably to the end of his days” — L. Frank Baum


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This quote from L. Frank Baum suggests that intelligence and problem-solving skills (“brains”) are more valuable than money alone. He notes that if someone has money but lacks intelligence, they will struggle to use their wealth effectively for their benefit. However, someone with a clever and creative mind can find ways to live comfortably even without much money through their ideas, skills, and hard work.

The best interpretation is that Baum believed true success in life depends more on one’s mental abilities and initiative than solely on financial wealth. Having both money and brains would likely be most advantageous, but brains can compensate in the absence of money to a greater extent than money can in the absence of brains.

Birthday: May 15, 1856 – Death: May 6, 1919

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