Kora-Lea Vidal: Money Rather Than Moment

Posted by admin on Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Kora-Lea Vidal Money Quote saying we most often fail to live for the moment because we are making it all about the money instead. Kora-Lea Vidal said:
The sad thing is that most live for the money rather than the moment Quote

“The sad thing is that most live for the money rather than the moment” — Kora-Lea Vidal


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In this quote, Kora-Lea Vidal suggests it is unfortunate that many people prioritize pursuing financial gain over truly experiencing and savoring life’s precious moments as they occur.

By saying most live “for the money rather than the moment”, Vidal implies an excessive focus on earning, accumulating wealth and planning for the future causes many to miss out on appreciating the present. The interpretation is that the quote promotes finding fulfillment in treasuring each day and experience as it happens, rather than living mainly with an eye to monetary achievements or retirement.

Vidal seems to encourage embracing life fully as it unfolds rather than rushing through it preoccupied with earnings and savings. The overall message conveyed is that true wealth comes from engaging deeply with each moment, not from amassing an abundance of money or possessions alone over time.

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