Katie Walsh: Money is Better Than Votes
on Saturday, March 28, 2015Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Katie Walsh Money Quotation saying that political donations to the candidates are more important than people voting for them. Republican National Committee Chief of Staff Katie Walsh said:
“If you can get people to give money, that’s a much bigger get than getting people to vote for you” — Katie Walsh
Katie Walsh seems to be suggesting that fundraising ability is more important for a politician than just getting votes. Specifically, she implies that the ability to attract financial donations and contributions (“get people to give money”) is a greater achievement or accomplishment (“much bigger get”) for a candidate or political campaign than amassing votes alone.
Her point appears to be that fundraising prowess is a key measure of political influence and success, perhaps even more so than vote totals. Overall, the quote indicates that Walsh views fundraising as a core political skill and that the capacity to generate financial support may be valued more highly in politics than popularity as measured by votes alone.