Kalinda Rose Stevenson: Monopoly Money

Posted by admin on Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kalinda Rose Stevenson Money Quote saying you can make money by serving others, cooperating and adding value to create new money. Kalinda Rose Stevenson said:
Stop playing with monopoly money - cooperation more profitable than competition, serving the interests of others Quote

“What happens to business when you stop playing with Monopoly money? You will discover that money is unlimited because money is created by transactions, cooperation is more profitable than cutthroat competition, and you can make money while serving the best interests of other people” — Kalinda Rose Stevenson


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In this quote, Kalinda Rose Stevenson seems to be suggesting that when businesses move away from seeing money solely as a competitive tool for profit and instead focus on cooperation and serving others, they will discover money is more abundant.

She appears to be saying that with a shift towards collaborative transactions and prioritizing mutual benefit over cutthroat tactics, businesses will find profitability increases as money continues to be generated through cooperative economic activity that meets real needs.

The best interpretation is that Stevenson believes a mindset of unlimited abundance rather than scarcity, along with cooperation over confrontation, can enable businesses to make money in a way that is beneficial for all stakeholders involved.

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