Joyce Meyer: Death Bank Balance

Posted by admin on Monday, May 29, 2023

Meaning of Joyce Meyer Money Quote: saying no one that is dying spends any thought on their bank account. Joyce Meyer said:

Nobody on their death bed ever worried about their bank balance Quote

“Nobody on their death bed ever worried about their bank balance” — Joyce Meyer


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Joyce Meyer is suggesting that as people near the end of their life, their primary concerns do not tend to revolve around financial matters like the balance in their bank account. Rather, she implies that worldly possessions and monetary wealth lose significance compared to other priorities like relationships with loved ones, spiritual well-being, or a sense of fulfillment from life’s experiences and accomplishments.

Her point seems to be that we should focus less on accumulating riches or status, as these things will not bring comfort in our final moments, while connections with others and inner peace generally do matter most when reflecting on one’s life from a deathbed perspective.

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