John Lithgow: Money Low Priority

Posted by admin on Sunday, November 7, 2021

John Lithgow Money Quote saying money is less important than good work and large bank account size is not a priority. John Lithgow said:
Money is just a low priority for me. I'm more interested in good work than a big bank account Quote

“Money is just a low priority for me. I’m more interested in good work than a big bank account” — John Lithgow


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In this quote, John Lithgow seems to be conveying his priorities when it comes to his career as an actor. Specifically, he states that accumulating a large sum of money or focusing on financial gain is a “low priority” for him personally.

Instead, Lithgow suggests he cares more about finding “good work” – meaning creative projects, roles and collaborations that he deems worthwhile, interesting or allow him to challenge himself artistically. He implies monetary compensation is less important to him than professional fulfillment and growth through impactful artistic opportunities.

The best interpretation is that Lithgow is expressing that he does not define or judge his success primarily based on the size of his bank account or earnings, but rather places higher value on being able to take on work that stimulates and satisfies him creatively, even if it does not make him the most wealthy. His quote conveys acting more as a passion-driven pursuit over one driven mainly by maximizing income according to his perspective.

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