Jim Rohn: Economic Disaster Philosophy

Posted by admin on Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jim Rohn Money Quote saying the way to ruin is expecting more from your effort than that effort is worth. Jim Rohn said:
Economic Disaster Comes from a Philosophy of doing less and wanting more Quote

Economic disaster begins with a philosophy of doing less and wanting more” — Jim Rohn


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This quote from Jim Rohn suggests that economic hardship starts with a mindset of doing less work while desiring more things. When people coast through life without much effort or productivity, but continue wanting more possessions and luxuries, it can lead them toward financial troubles.

The best path is maintaining a philosophy of contributing value through our work and skills, while appreciating what we have, in order to avoid economic disaster that may arise from an imbalance of less effort and more wants.

Birthday: September 17, 1930 – Death: December 5, 2009


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