James Joyce: Borrowed Transaction

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 2, 2019

James Joyce Money Quote saying in the novel ‘Dubliners’ that a character drank a lot and was always borrowing cash from shady types. James Joyce said:

Of course, he did mix with a rakish set of fellows at that time, drank freely and borrowed money on all sides. In the end he had got mixed up in some shady affair, some money transaction Quote

“Of course, he did mix with a rakish set of fellows at that time, drank freely and borrowed money on all sides. In the end he had got mixed up in some shady affair, some money transaction” — James Joyce


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James Joyce is describing someone who got into a difficult situation due to irresponsible behavior involving money and associations with untrustworthy people. The quote suggests the person drank heavily and borrowed money frequently from different sources, implying a lack of financial discipline.

Joyce notes this individual became “mixed up in some shady affair, some money transaction”, indicating their reckless actions and questionable dealings eventually entangled them in a problematic circumstance related to money.

The overall interpretation is that Joyce used this passage to portray how overindulgence in alcohol and debt, combined with involvement in dubious financial schemes through disreputable social contacts, can lead one astray into compromised or compromising monetary circumstances.

Birthday February 2, 1882 – Death: January 13, 1941


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