Jade Chang: Money Can’t Make Feelings
on Wednesday, August 2, 2017Jade Chang Money Quote saying looking at cash doesn’t evoke feelings, so to make money or lose it brings those emotions. Jade Chang said:
“Just looking at a dollar bill did nothing to your emotions — you have to make money or lose money for it to make you feel anything. You can earn it, win it, lose it, save it, spend it, find it, but you can’t sell it because you never really own it” — Jade Chang
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This quote from author Jade Chang suggests that merely looking at or thinking about money itself does not stir much emotion – true feelings of joy, stress or disappointment only arise when money is actively being made, lost, saved or spent through one’s actions and decisions.
While currency allows for transactions, one never fully “owns” money since external factors like markets or personal circumstances can influence its value.
The best interpretation is that true wealth is not defined by numbers in a bank account, but rather through life experiences, relationships and personal growth achieved through our choices involving this medium of exchange over which we have limited control.
Money’s purpose is to enhance life, not become the sole focus, as its permanence or meaning can shift without warning.