Horace: Make Money By Any Means

Posted by admin on Saturday, February 5, 2022

Horace Money Quote saying one must make money one way or another, even if by less than savory means. Horace said:
Money, make money; by honest means if you can; if not, by any means make money Quote

“Money, make money; by honest means if you can; if not, by any means make money” — Horace


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In this quote, Horace seems to be acknowledging both the importance of accumulating wealth as well as the lengths some may feel compelled to go to in order to do so. Specifically:

  • Horace’s first statement “Money, make money” emphasizes the drive and priority placed on generating financial resources by many in society.
  • However, he qualifies this by adding “by honest means if you can”, implying the ideal is to earn and increase one’s money through legitimate, lawful conduct.
  • Horace concludes with “if not, by any means make money”, suggesting that for some people, the ends of attaining riches may justify questionable or unscrupulous means if honest avenues are unavailable or insufficient.

The best interpretation is that while Horace recognized the near-universal human desire to prosper financially, he believed it ideally should be pursued respecting moral and legal boundaries, though some may disregard these principles if honest work does not meet their monetary goals. Overall the quote conveys a nuanced view of both the lure and ethics of wealth accumulation.

Birthday: 8 December 65BC – Death: November 27, 8 BC

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