Honest Gil Fulbright on Big Fat Checks

Posted by admin on Monday, July 21, 2014

Honest Gil Fulbright Money Quotation saying as the first honest politician not running in Kentucky in the most expensive senate race in history ($100 million) that politicians don’t care about voters, only about donors or lobbyists. Fake Gil Fulbright said:
Unless you are a donor or a lobbyist who can write a big fat check the results that you get from voting for me... its negligible Quote

“You deserve complete honesty so here it is, I don’t care about you. Unless you are a donor or a lobbyist who can write a big fat check the results that you get from voting for me… its negligible” — Honest Gil Fulbright


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In this quote, politician “Honest Gil Fulbright” seems to be candidly acknowledging the outsized influence that large donors and lobbyists have over elected officials compared to average constituents. By stating he doesn’t care about voters unless they can provide “a big fat check,” Fulbright bluntly implies that financial contributions are what truly motivate politicians to take certain positions or act on issues, rather than the preferences or needs of regular citizens who vote for them.

The quote conveys Fulbright’s view that for the average voter, the impact of their ballot is minimal, since money is what primarily drives policy outcomes and representation in office. Overall, Fulbright appears to be leveling a cynical critique of the modern political system’s disproportionate responsiveness to wealthy special interests over ordinary citizens.

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