Herbert Hoover: Inherit Debt

Posted by admin on Saturday, October 7, 2023

Meaning of Herbert Hoover Money Quote: saying Blessed are your children, for they get to pay the debts politicians agree to create. Herbert Hoover said:
Blessed are the Young, for they shall Inherit the National Debt Quote

“Blessed are the Young, for they shall Inherit the National Debt” — Herbert Hoover


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In this quote, Herbert Hoover seems to be commenting wryly on the financial challenges being passed down to future generations. By saying “Blessed are the Young, for they shall Inherit the National Debt”, Hoover appears to be suggesting that while the young may gain the blessings of youth, they are also inheriting the significant debt burdens accumulated by previous generations through government spending and deficits.

The quote conveys Hoover’s belief that the young people of America would have to take responsibility for repaying the massive national debt, which he viewed as a heavy burden they did not directly create but would still have to shoulder.

Overall, Hoover was acknowledging in a tongue-in-cheek way how rising government debt levels under his administration were leaving a difficult fiscal legacy for those to come.

Birthday: August 10, 1874 – Death: October 20, 1964

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