Graham Greene: It’s All Related to Money

Posted by admin on Friday, January 23, 2015

Graham Greene Money Quote saying there is not one thing in our life experience that isn’t somehow related to money – Politics & war, to love and happiness. Graham Greene said:
Politics, war, marriage, crime, adultery. Everything that exists in the world has something to do with money Quote

“Politics, war, marriage, crime, adultery. Everything that exists in the world has something to do with money” — Graham Greene


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Graham Greene believed that “everything that exists in the world has something to do with money.” It quotes Greene as saying “Politics, war, marriage, crime, adultery. Everything that exists in the world has something to do with money.”

So Greene viewed money as being closely related to and influencing many aspects of life, including politics, war, marriage, and criminal activities. He seemed to think that financial factors underlie or are connected to these different spheres of human experience.

Birthday: October 2, 1904 – Death: April 3, 1991

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