George Takei: Billionaire Mockery

Posted by admin on Tuesday, April 20, 2021

George Takei Money Quote saying that when the wealthy can buy campaigns without limits, the idea of every vote counting is destroyed. George Takei said:
When billionaires can give $50 million, $500 million to a campaign, and there's no limit, then it makes a mockery of 'one man, one vote' Quote

“When billionaires can give $50 million, $500 million to a campaign, and there’s no limit, then it makes a mockery of ‘one man, one vote'” — George Takei


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In this quote, actor and activist George Takei is criticizing the influence of immense wealth on the political process. He suggests that when billionaires can donate vast sums of $50-500 million to candidates without spending caps, it undermines the democratic principle of equal representation and sway.

Takei implies such unlimited donations allow the viewpoints and priorities of the extremely wealthy to drown out all other voices.

Overall, the quote conveys Takei’s view that unfettered political spending at such astronomical levels concentrates undue power in the hands of a tiny fraction of donors and distorts the notion of every citizen’s vote holding equal weight and impact on elections.

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